Php is a server-side interpreted language. It generate dynamic web pages, particurlarly from a database. Its syntax come from C, Java, and Perl, with some inedite functions. You can include php-code in your HTML code.
Php is constituted by instructions associated together in a function, a script, or a page with extension .php, and of comments. Comments It's ALWAYS necessary to comment your code, at least to read it after six months ... Comments may begins by// or by # and ends at the end of line, like this: // After the tenth rewriting, a well-commented code is always better! #--- and it's possible to embed a comment like this ... A several-lines comment is quoted by /* at the beginning and */ at the end: /*After the eleventh rewriting, a well-commented code may become far better! Isn't it ?*/ Instructions Php instructions MAY be included in HTML code like this: <BODY> <?PHP = "Hello!"; = 2 + 2; ?> </BODY>