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Updated 2002-04-24
ArcView & Excel
 ArcView & Excel Back to top
    How to make a map with data from an Excel File ?
Just click SQL "Connexion SQL" in Project menu. It opens a dialog to choose the connection type (Excel files), an Excel file, and columns to geo-analyze. Give the result a table name, click on "Request", and that's done ! The file is not imported, it's just read: if another program update it, the map is automatically updated at the next opening of the project.
 ODBC Back to top
    In "Connexion type" dropdown list, many other data sources are available than Excel files. All data source with an ODBC driver available: PostGreSQL, MYSQL, Oracle, SQLServer, dBase, FoxPro, serveur Exchange, text files, etc. ODBC drivers exists for dozens of data types and formats.
    ODBC mean "Open Data Base Connectivity". More than just reading columns, in the connexion dialog, you can link the result of a complex request on source datas. As sample ? You can even connect to an Exchange server, read the mailing-list of your messenging service, and use working place code (office, ...) to georeference your colleagues on your site map !